sam crab

Books to Read:
Practicing Thankfulness

Some of the best gifts come in small packages – an engagement ring, a ticket to Europe, a diamond pendant. From time to time, a small book will hit the shelves that pack a powerful punch. Such is the case with Sam Crabtree’s, Practicing Thankfulness. Crabtree’s little book is barely 100 pages but is filled […]

dave harvey

Books to Read:
The Plurality Principle

“The quality of your elder plurality determines the health of your church.” This is the premise that undergirds Dave Harvey’s new offering, The Plurality Principle. The subtitle, How to Build and Maintain a Thriving Church Leadership Team nicely summarizes the essence of this practical volume. Harvey prepares readers for this thought-provoking journey by providing a […]


Counselor’s Corner:
Exercise Your Blues Away

When you start your day depressed, anxious or just not feeling your best, try this for a quick way to remedy your mood. Get out the door and move your body. By doing so, you will be giving yourself the best medicine you have to change a bad emotion to a positive one. We all […]