Seeking a Peaceful Mindset
I remember during my late 20s into my mid-30s I felt overwhelmed and most of the time felt anxious about commitments I had to family, friends, work, and church. I was in a constant state of worry and felt unsettled. Over time, being in that state of mind took a toll on my physical body. […]
Have You Got Your Shoes On?
My friend Anne’s daughter-in-law thought the suburb in which Anne lived seemed to have a “bubble of peace” over it. There was a feeling of peace when you drove into the neighborhood. The daughter-in-law wasn’t a Christian at that time. Yet she recognized that even though the larger metropolitan area exhibited typical crime and chaotic […]
Ministry Spotlight:
Hands On River Region’s Christmas Clearing House
The Christmas Clearinghouse program through HandsOn River Region provides hope to those who feel like they have none. In times of desperation, it provides the type of hope in realizing there are people in the community who care, and also provides resources to help them get back on their feet. “Hope and joy are the […]
#TaxTheChurches – NOT!
I started seeing a hashtag on Twitter a few weeks ago, and it seemed to show up for several weeks. In some cases, it is a negative response to the work and witness of the Church; in others, a reaction to missteps that Christian people have made. There is a familiar narrative that churches should […]
If God Showed You Your Path,
Would You Take It?
If God showed you what you had to walk through to get to where you are today, would you say no? Turn back? Would you say it’s too difficult, that there was too much pain? That the adversity was too harsh, too daunting? Too unimaginable? Would you resist getting to where He wants you to […]
To Be More Heavenly Minded Is To Be More Earthly Good
These days, the word “Christian” evokes as many negative reactions as it does positive ones. This bothers me. Does it bother you? Critics might summarize their feelings about Christians with these alleged words from Mahatma Gandhi: “I like your Christ, but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” While […]
Faith at Work:
Greg Glenn
RRC: Thank you, Mr. Glenn, for sharing how your faith is at work in the community. Was it a spiritual calling that led you to become Headmaster of Alabama Christain Academy? GG: I have felt God’s leading in my life through every part of my journey back to Montgomery. I’ve been privileged to serve as […]
Can I Protect Myself Against Inflation?
Q. All the talk on the news about inflation is a little scary. Is there any way to protect yourself against it on a day-to-day basis? A. When people start talking about inflation, it seems like there are always some who want to start collecting gold, fill every container they own with gasoline and stick […]
When Home Hurts
A Guide for Responding Wisely to Domestic Abuse in Your Church
There is much that is expected of pastors and church leaders, much for which they have often been inadequately prepared. At various points most will find themselves having to respond to situations that involve domestic abuse. This could be a woman coming to them and pleading for protection from her husband, it could be an […]
Finding My Father
How the Gospel Heals the Pain of Fatherlessness
Sometimes one person’s story can stand in for that of millions. Sometimes one person can explain a situation that affects not only themselves but also countless others. Those of us who were blessed to grow up with fathers who were present, active, and engaged may struggle to understand the particular sorrows and challenges that come […]