A Father’s Blessing
This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Dr. Teman Knight, Heritage Baptist Church, Montgomery The Bible describes three types of blessings. First, we are blessed by God because he has done for us what we could not do for ourselves. Ephesians 1:3 tells us, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, […]
School’s Out!
Now What?
Today I picked our youngest up from her bus stop, and to celebrate the last day of school, we took off to Chipotle for lunch and then to get her favorite, a flavored tea from New Wave. We hugged and high-fived about her good grades. She was a bundle of energy as we dreamed of […]
Rest, Reflect, Restore and Reset
Summer is starting, and the 2021-2022 school year has come to an end, allowing for the perfect opportunity to take some time to Rest, Reflect, Restore and Reset. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” This scripture talks about rest for the […]
Marriage’s Dirty Word: Submission
Ahh, June – the time for weddings. June comes in second place as one of the most popular months for nuptials. Sixteen percent of all weddings occur in September, followed by June at fifteen percent. Therefore June is also a month full of anniversaries celebrating those weddings. One topic of particularly heated discussions around marriage […]
Ministry Spotlight:
His Vessel Ministry
There’s not anything that God would ask of Jo Hancock that she would say no to. So when God truly grabbed hold of her heart as she practiced law, she just fell in love with Him. And she surrendered her life, her practice, her entire self, to serving Him and leading others to Him. “I […]
Anti-Social (Media)?
We will likely have social media with us for years to come, but there are signs that younger users of social media platforms may be souring. A Faithwire story stated: Zoomers — those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s — are turning their backs on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, leaving behind what many […]
Learning to Keep Value, Worth in His Hands
Lately, I have been putting my value and worth into the wrong hands. I’ve been looking for accolades through various areas of my life – specifically, from people in my life – and forgetting who I live for, and what I strive to accomplish. How often do we put our identity into what others think? […]
Keys to Knowing God’s Will for Your Life
Of all the issues related to Christian living, few receive greater attention than knowing God’s will for our lives. Many believers, and especially younger ones, agonize over knowing what God means for them to do and how he means for them to live out their days. Many end up leaning toward a low-grade form of […]
Faith at Work: Tonya Speed, Owner of Tonya Speed’s Dance Connection
RRC: For years, you’ve been the proud owner of Tonya’s Speed’s Dance Connection. What led you to establish a business that would positively impact our youth? TS: I’ve had Tonya’s Speed Dance Connection since 1986. As a young dancer growing up, I saw the influence of my dance teachers, which always had a positive impact […]
Gospel People A Call for Evangelical Integrity
by Michael Reeves
The word evangelical seems to have fallen out of favor, and perhaps for reasons that are understandable. Where the word once had a distinct Christian meaning, in recent years it has come to be conflated with politics as much as religion, with civil issues as much as spiritual. Many wonder whether the term is worth […]