
Advice From an Atheist:
Be More Christian, Not Less

Several years ago, I wrote a book about how I’m tired of taking sides. But sometimes taking sides is unavoidable. When faced with Jesus’ claim that He is “the way, the truth, and the life” and that no one comes to God the Father except through Him, we have to choose. Do we believe Him […]

RRC Perspective April

Wins the Prize in Stepfamilies

In the early years of our marriage, I wondered if we would make it to our next anniversary.Blending four children, grappling with our stepparent roles while learning to parent together, combating ex-spouses, and trying to stay afloat with job, church and community obligations seemed impossible. As we celebrated 21 years of marriage recently, I’m thankful […]


Who Do You Think That I Am?

With that brief question Jesus Christ confronted his followers with the most important issue they would ever face. He had spent much time with them and made some bold claims about His identity and authority, Now the time had come for them either to believe or deny His teachings. Who do you say Jesus is? […]


Four Words for Easter

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Pastor Daniel Gillenwater, The Church at Eastern Oaks Around this time of year, there are countless Easter Egg hunts all over town. Almost every church, including mine, will host an Easter Egg hunt. (If you would like to come, The Church at Eastern Oaks will host ours on […]


A Name No One Knows But He Himself

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Rev. Kyle Searcy, Fresh Anointing House of Worship At the heart of Revelation’s depiction of Christ’s return is a profound assertion of identity and self-assurance. Revelation 19:12 depicts Jesus with “eyes like a flame of fire” and wearing many crowns, a powerful image of majesty and authority. However, […]


When Resolutions

We move through life setting goals to become better versions of ourselves. But what if you don’t need to be better to be loved? I stood there, face to face with the decision I had made. A few weeks ago my calendar page was clean and the only thing I had written was in bright […]

RRC Jan Pastor's Perspective

Will You Surrender?

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Rev. Michael A. Cobb, Dalraida Global Methodist Church When you think of a word like “surrender” what comes to mind? I think about white flags with hands raised, tapping out on the mat, or essentially giving up. But I love what someone told me about surrender: “It isn’t […]


Not Everyone Loves the Holidays

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Pastor Mark Bethea, First Baptist Church of Montgomery The holiday season and Christmas can bring a multitude of emotions. On some levels it may feel like Andy Williams’ famous song, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” On the other hand, it could feel like Merle Haggard’s, […]


Living Fascinated

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Dr. Kyle Searcy, Fresh Anointing House of Worship I am awestruck by our God-given ability to define our inward reality. As humans, we are uniquely sovereign over our internal disposition, i.e., our frame of mind and emotional proclivity. Evidence of this ability to define our internal nature is […]

pastor article

Modern Day Parable: The Tale of the Two CEOs

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Rev. Dr. Patrick M. Quinn, Century Church In a world obsessed with market dynamics and profit margins, it’s easy to overlook the spiritual and ethical dimensions of leadership. Yet, as Jesus once taught timeless lessons through simple stories, our modern narratives can offer similar wisdom. Such is the […]