Rushing Past the Extraordinary in Pursuit of the Ordinary
Do you feel it yet… the busy rush of the Christmas season? Even among the Advent Wreaths and Special Services, we can still come to the end of the month andfeel like we completely missed the whole purpose of our celebration. Our world often seems to rush past the extraordinary in pursuit of the ordinary. […]
Teach Them to Be Givers… And Be an Example
Q. With all the commercials and marketing that accompany the holiday season, how can parents teach their young children about giving and putting others first at this time of year? A. Christmas is a traditional time to give and help others. But even for adults, it’s easy to get so caught up the glitz that […]
Let God Arise Ministry: Ministering God’s Love in City and County Jails
When Tom Bridges walks into jails and prisons to minister to inmates, he has one goal: that they understand what unconditional love of Jesus Christ is. That they understand it is not what they “get” in life, but what they give away.That life is not always about receiving, but what we provide our neighbors God’s […]
Coping with Seasonal Depression
The fall and winter seasons have a different meaning for different individuals. For some, fall marks the summer’s end and indicates that cooler weather is on the way. Many love the fall season because of nostalgia, holidays, and new beginnings. While many identify the fall season positively, others define it negatively. When the leaves change […]
Christmas Hope for the Broken-Hearted
The tree is trimmed and decorated and glowing with lights. The gifts are wrapped and tied with bows and arranged carefully beneath. The stockings are hung by the fire and bulging with trinkets and surprises and sweet delicacies. The table is set and waiting for a great feast to be laid out upon it. Christmas […]
Drawing Near
Marcia was so busy…she couldn’t possibly accomplish everything needed before Christmas! The baking, the shopping, the decorating, the present wrapping, the social engagements, and the family traditions were in addition to her normal responsibilities at work, at home, with the kids and her husband. And there wasn’t anything she could delegate. She felt overwhelmed like […]
Advent Guide: Because of Jesus
Here is a condensed version of this year’s Faith Radio Advent Guide which is found in the Faith Radio Ministry Magazine. Reflect on these daily to enhance your holiday season. 1. I AM FORGIVEN.Colossians 1:14… in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. 2. I CAN FORGIVE OTHERS.Colossians 3:13b… even as […]
Does God Care About Gender Identity? by Samuel D. Ferguson
It’s hard to believe, but it was just a very short time ago that nobody believed in gender identity. At least, nobody believed in what the term has come to encompass today. As with so many social phenomena, it came slowly and then all at once. Suddenly it became an accepted “fact” that sex and […]
The Truth About Lies Why Jesus Is More Relevant Than You Think by Mack Stiles
We live in a world of lies, a world in which the truth is so often obscured behind deception and made opaque behind falsehood. Though God is a God of truth, the enemy is a liar who will say anything to lead people astray, a deceiver who will stop at nothing to turn people away […]
Faith @ Work: Tyffani Frazier
RRC: You were baptized at the age of five. How did you know you wanted to devote yourself to Christ at an early age? TF: I felt a tug on my heart that I wanted to confess to Jesus and become baptized after hearing about how and why I should devote my life to Christ. […]