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Everything Is Better When Jesus Comes First

Tolkien’s character Gollum obsessively chased and clung to the Ring of Power, which he affectionately called his “Precious,” because he believed it would meet his every need if only he could only hold on to it. The longer that ring remained in his grasp, the more poisoned his soul. Like every idol, like every person […]

hope for busted up sinner scott sauls

Hope for Busted Up Sinners like Me

For honest Christians (should there be any other kind?),becoming like Jesus Christ—or what Scripture callssanctification— is often ananticlimactic process. No matter how much better we become over time, no matter how much more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled we are this year compared to last year (Galatians 5:22-23), we never […]

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10 Issues To Work Through Before You Get Married

Some people get married too soon. After love at first sight and a whirlwind romance, they quickly plan a wedding, exchange rings, and settle into a marriage that soon turns sour. So much pain can be avoided by working through issues before that wedding day. While courtship and engagement is, of course, the time to […]

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Why the Local Church
Really Matters

What is the church? Why has God called us into these little communities? Does the local church really matter? It does! The local church is foundational to God’s plan for his people. In their book Church in Hard Places, Mez McConnell and Mike McKinley offer… SIX REASONS the Local Church Matters #1 The local church […]

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Keys to Knowing God’s Will for Your Life

Of all the issues related to Christian living, few receive greater attention than knowing God’s will for our lives. Many believers, and especially younger ones, agonize over knowing what God means for them to do and how he means for them to live out their days. Many end up leaning toward a low-grade form of […]

every great marriage

The Great Challenge of Every Marriage

We’ve all heard that marriage was designed to make us holy more than to make us happy. And though it’s a bit of a trite phrase that threatens to force a false dichotomy between holiness and happiness, there is a measure of truth to it. At its best, marriage does, indeed, help us grow in […]

hope for all sinners

Hope for All Sinners

For honest Christians (Can there be any other kind?), becoming like Jesus Christ—or what Scripture calls sanctification—often feels like an anticlimactic process. No matter how much better we become over time, no matter how much more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled we are this year compared to last year (Galatians […]