Women Arising Open Ypur Gift

Open Your Gift

Judy and Val were best friends. The ten-year-old girls lived on the same block in their neighborhood. They shared many special activities and created their own traditions. One of these traditions was on Christmas Day. After their separate family gatherings concluded, Judy and Val would go to each other’s homes and spend time looking at […]

shoes peace

Have You Got Your Shoes On?

My friend Anne’s daughter-in-law thought the suburb in which Anne lived seemed to have a “bubble of peace” over it. There was a feeling of peace when you drove into the neighborhood. The daughter-in-law wasn’t a Christian at that time. Yet she recognized that even though the larger metropolitan area exhibited typical crime and chaotic […]

women arising kemi article

Redecorating Your Spiritual Home

I was waiting in the checkout line the other day when I heard the young man in front of me talking on the phone. He spoke loud enough for everyone to hear his conversation. We bystanders heard him inviting the person on the other end to his crib. At first, I wondered what he was […]

Women Arising Sept21

A Race Worth the Run

As I watched the Olympics this summer, I saw dedicated people who work patiently to compete for the gold. In races, each have a specifically defined course, rules, competitors, and judges. Paul describes our journey with the Lord as running a race. I often have felt like I was running hard through areas of my […]

Be Careful What You Wish For 1

Be Careful
What You Wish For

Maybe you can relate to Andrea. She was the assistant to the events director of a medium-sized company. She got along with the director well enough, but she really felt she could do a better job than her boss. As they worked on many different types of events, Andrea had to choose whether she should […]

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One Arm Tied
Behind Your Back

“If only…”  I hear women then tell me why they can’t seem to conquer some issue in their lives.  “Maybe when…”  Other ladies then tell me why their fulfillment is postponed, yet again. Where in your life do you feel handicapped to the point where you cannot get past an obstacle that keeps you from […]

women arising june21

Women: Brainstorm, Organize, Adapt
Execute, Adjust…Repeat!

We are at a threshold of a “new normal.” I believe the driving force behind what will become the nation’s future comes down to what happens in daily life. After all, the majority of our stress and strain has been borne in the lives of how the family has had to adjust to work, school, […]

kemi article flowers

Women Arising:
OMG! Just What We’re Looking For!

My friend has a hairdresser who believes in God and Jesus, but welcomes other religions who “also have their own worship of God.” She may fear she would be thought of as a bigot to exclude those who are religious but worship Buddha or Allah. She also may not understand the unique God of the […]

Kemi Searcy July 17

How to Spring Clean Yourself

My friend Moria takes a personal retreat each year. She finds a quiet place where she can spend a day or two alone, without electronic interference and a growing to-do list. Moria’s goal? To re-center herself around God’s plan and purpose. Most people feel swamped in this hurry-up world in which we live, especially if […]

kemi March 21

Are You Fighting More
And Enjoying It Less?

Recipe for a heated argument:Take 1 group of people (a family).Mix it with close proximity (a house).Bake it in a 24/7 oven for unknown duration.Makes a batch full of contention. As we become relieved at the possibilities of what a vaccine can do in the upcoming months; as we look at the grim prospect of […]