Three Words
I want you to think with me about three words – sometimes they are used interchangeably, but there are distinctions, I believe. The words are: Spiritual. Religious. Christian. Now, all three can be used to describe a person who is a Bible-believing Christ-follower. But, there are spiritual people who are not even religious, in other […]
What Kind of Life Insurance Do You Recommend?
Q. My wife and I are both 36 years old, and we have two children. Our son is six, and our daughter will be four next month. We’ve been walking through the Baby Steps, and we should have our home paid off sometime next summer. We realized the other day the one thing missing from […]
Ministries for Mom: Community, Encouragement, Spiritual Growth
Moms who pray together, and for each other – and who understand the spiritual and community benefits of gathering – find that connection matters. They meet locally in groups – large and small – and find ways to give to each other and the region, and do so through prayer, outreach, and through the hopes […]
When Resolutions
We move through life setting goals to become better versions of ourselves. But what if you don’t need to be better to be loved? I stood there, face to face with the decision I had made. A few weeks ago my calendar page was clean and the only thing I had written was in bright […]
Regrets? – GONE!
At the beginning of a new year, many of us look back to what we had hoped to accomplish in the last 12 months but we regret that we have failed. I know someone who is stuck…stuck in regrets. At age 40, she has a failed marriage and three kids who she only gets to […]
You Are Still a Mother by Jackie Gibson
So many parents are familiar with the agony of losing a child they never truly got to know, yet loved with their whole heart. Writing specifically for mothers who have become members of a club that no one wants to join, Jackie Gibson’s message to them is this: You are still a mother. Jackie and […]
Like A River by Granger Smith
Not too long ago a friend asked me, “Hey, did you hear that Granger Smith is now a student at Southern Seminary?” “No, I hadn’t heard that,” I replied. Then I surreptitiously Googled “Who is Granger Smith?” I learned that he is—or was, at least—a country music singer, and apparently a tremendously successful one. But […]
Faith @ Work: Harvey Starling
RRC: What prompted you to transition to Christianity from being born and raised in the Mormon faith? HS: I did not understand the Baptism for the Dead ceremony I experienced at age 12. By the time I was 14, I had left the church. My mom and a lot of her family still attend the […]
Will You Surrender?
This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Rev. Michael A. Cobb, Dalraida Global Methodist Church When you think of a word like “surrender” what comes to mind? I think about white flags with hands raised, tapping out on the mat, or essentially giving up. But I love what someone told me about surrender: “It isn’t […]
Embracing Change While Being Rooted in Him
Do you like change? I’ve always enjoyed the newness it brings, even when challenges might accompany it. So, with the New Year upon us, I can’t help but celebrate pivots, fresh starts, and a chance to reinvent ourselves. But let me also suggest the best change is when it’s anchored to the hope of Christ. […]