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Powerful Leaders? When Church Leadership Goes Wrong by Marcus Honeysett

Over the past few years we have witnessed quite a number of leader­ship failures within the church. We have learned of pastors who have used their position to enrich themselves, to use their prominence to run roughshod over others, to use their prestige to feed their flesh. Some of these failures have been shocking, some […]

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Build a Stronger Marriage by Joni Eareckson Tada

It is no small feat to build a strong marriage. It is no easy thing to maintain a strong marriage through years of trials and temptations, through decades of sinning and being sinned against. It is not something any of us can take for granted and it is for this reason that there are so […]

faith at work rhonda thompson

Faith @  Work:
Rhonda Thompson,
Director of The Nehemiah Center

RRC: For two decades, you’ve served as the Director of The Nehemiah Center through First Baptist Church, Montgomery. How did the program evolve? RT: In 2002, the Minister of Community Ministries realized that the needs in the Ch­isholm community were quickly growing. She also realized that the community was vastly underserved and asked me to […]

november gratitude towards god

Thanksgiving Gives Us Eyes for God

When I was 8 years old, I had an eye exam. As I tried to make out the letters on the chart, I got so many wrong that the doctor thought I was joking. But this was no joke; I was very nearsighted. A week later, when I got my first pair of glasses, I […]

moments with kym god is there

Remembering God is There Beginning & End

Can you remember a time, or several, when you’ve wondered how you could possibly get through a trial in your life? How you’d get through every step you’d have to take to possibly come out on the other side? And do so victoriously – however, that looks for you. And during this time, during a […]

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Thanksgiving as an Act of Worship

Did your parents teach you the “magic words” when you were young? “Please, thank you, and you’re welcome” were given special status as words that made us polite in society. Little Lachlin, aged 2, says, “tank oo” and “welkum” and “pwease” and we clap our hands in delight. Yet, these words became auto-responses, often without […]

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Life on Wheels: Serving Women, Saving Babies, Sharing Jesus

The mission of Life On Wheels’ is threefold: they use the power of ultrasound to serve women, save babies, and share Jesus. The mobile unit that provides free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, and which serves women throughout the River Region and Birmingham, works to make women feel safe, supported, and loved, offering a three-step process […]

gratitude in november

Gratitude in November

Thanksgiving is celebrated tradition­ally in many cultures. The national holiday can be observed through the act of giving thanks and the grateful acknowledgment of divine favor. In the Old Testament, the word giving means: to raise one’s hands to God in gratitude. In addition to being a season to be thankful to God, November is […]

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Cutting Costs During the Holiday Season

We’re doing our best to stick to our cash Christmas budget this year. Are there any traps to avoid, and do you have other advice on ways we can cut costs during the holiday season? If you’re getting out of debt, the phrase “extra money” probably isn’t even in your vocabulary. Regardless, stores will do […]

unbusy pastor perspective

“Unbusy Yourself”

This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Dr. Peyton Hill, First Baptist Church of Prattville Every. Single. Day. The calendar fills with meetings, events, and tasks. Every. Single. Day. The people around me are vying for my attention. The phone never stops. Ask anyone how they’re doing. “We’re fine, just busy.” It seems that the […]