Different Personality Types Can Be a Good Thing
My husband is an entrepreneur. He has a very hard driving, energetic personality and way of doing things, while I’m more laid back and soft spoken. How can I support him best in terms of encouraging and communicating with him? I want him to know I care, that I want to help and that I’m […]
School Anxiety: Parents and Kids
Back to school is a special time for parents and students. During this time, students focus their concerns on several things while parents have a list of their own. Students often worry about academics, social acceptance, or concerns about their own self-perceptions. Parents find themselves downplaying their concerns until summertime winds down, and then they […]
The Multiplier Effect
Are you the woman who feels overwhelmed because your kids are not growing up to be the wonderful children you had dreamed of when you gave birth? Or are you the woman who feels defeated because your current job was supposed to be just one step in a promising career, but has become a dead […]
A Crisis of Loneliness
Several months ago on The Meeting House on Faith Radio, I featured a conversation with J.P. DeGance of Communio, which helps strengthen marriages through empowering the Church. Based on a study it had released, he lamented the decline of marriage, which has led to loneliness, as well as fatherlessness. A FoxNews.com article on the survey […]
Young Adult: Rooted Disciples Who Disciple Others
There is a vibrant world of Young Adult groups in churches that live on faith, friendship – and most importantly, the word of God. They are in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, and use ages in terms of -ish, because they don’t want to exclude anyone from any decade. They work together to dig into […]
Allowing God to Multiply in My World
After I purchased a new car a couple of years ago, I began seeing it everywhere – when, before the purchase, hadn’t truly given it any thought whatsoever. To be honest, I don’t even like the car. Go figure.Now I see it in every color. I see it in every city I’m in – within […]
Let God Prove Himself
One of the great challenges of the Christian life is to become a giver—and not just a giver, but a cheerful giver.The Bible commends generosity, but generosity that is free fromcompunction or coercion, for “each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful […]
Faith @ Work: Kimberly Griffin
How did being raised in the church shape your childhood? KG: My upbringing in the Southern Baptist church instilled a strong sense of community, compassion, and moral values. These principles guide my interactions with both students and colleagues. I believe in treating everyone with respect and kindness, and my faith reminds me of the importance […]
What Matters Most
This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Daniel Gillenwater, Church at Eastern Oaks Parents, another school year has begun, and hopefully, all the school supply shopping has been completed by this point. The pencils, crayons, and glue sticks have all been purchased. If you have older children, maybe you bought a compass, protractor, or scientific […]
“My Christianity” is Suffering
I don’t know about you, but I have a bad habit of shaping Christianity to match my preferences more than my preferences being shaped by Christianity. When that happens, I live way below the overflowing life God offers me as His child. I miss out! God’s creation is diverse and so are His children. His […]