Kym Klass
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February 2, 2024

Sonya Sheets took her passion to care for children and turned it into a growing ministry that offers compassion to those in the foster care program and throughout the department of human resources.

Closet of Love, founded in 2019, collects new and gently used infant, child, and teen-related items and gives them to those in foster care. The nonprofit is a donation and volunteer-driven organization that partners with churches and businesses throughout the region.

Driven by Proverbs 31:8 – Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves – the ministry knows those partners who walk alongside them help make it possible to give and to serve.

On December 23, Sheets posted in a public Closet of Love Facebook post:


534 children in foster care and protective services were fully sponsored for Christmas. (With amazing gifts!)
40 individuals in Adult Protective Services received baskets full of presents.
We helped 149 more children this year than last year.
My heart is so full and happy.
Not only did every wish list I receive get sponsored, but these children received amazing gifts. I saw so many PlayStations, Nintendo Switches, shoes, clothes, and popular toys being given. I saw so many sponsors carefully choose each and every present they bought.
I work so hard to make sure each child receives amazing presents… because children in foster care deserve to have nice things and know how much they are loved.

Here, Sheets shares about the ministry, what she loves about serving, and how the community can help.

Kym: For those learning about your ministry today, please share what Closet of Love is about.

Sonya: Closet of Love is a foster closet that provides for children, adults, and families who are involved with the Department of Human Resources. The donations vary from diapers and wipes to beds and mattresses, depending on the need. Throughout the year, I provide necessities to these groups and to try to support DHR in assorted ways as well. For Christmas, Closet of Love fulfills wish lists for all children in foster care, child protective services, and adult protective services. This massive undertaking cannot be met without the support of individual sponsors, businesses, and local churches.

Kym: Why is this ministry important?

Sonya: In college, I studied social science and have always felt a passion for helping children. Twelve and a half years ago, my husband and I became foster parents. I witnessed first-hand children coming into care with nothing but the clothes on their backs. I’ve always been a smart shopper and knew I could make the most out of every dollar. I decided to align my three passions of helping children, being a foster parent, and shopping to start Closet of Love.

Kym: How many foster families have been served over the years?

Sonya: There is a very small community of foster parents in the River Region who foster most of the children entering care. I have helped hundreds of families and thousands of children. This Christmas alone, 534 children in foster care and 40 adults in protective services were fully sponsored through the Closet of Love. We helped 149 more children this Christmas compared to the previous year.

Kym: How many articles of clothing/toys/furniture have been donated?

Sonya: Thousands of items have been purchased or donated. When a child comes into care, I try to give them a large bag that includes clothing, socks, underwear, shoes, diapers, wipes, books, and toys. While this may be the typical provided solution, I have also furnished a new apartment for a teenager aging out of foster care. I have provided beds for families to keep sibling groups together. I try to provide a combination of brand new and gently used items because these children in need deserve quality products like any other child would want.

Kym: Aside from the items provided to foster families, how else do you feel this ministry serves them?

Sonya: Closet of Love provides a community of people who are all interested in helping children. Being a foster parent is very lonely at times, (and) I think it’s so important for these families to have a place to feel supported and loved by others.

Kym: Why should the community invest (even prayerfully) in Closet of Love?

Sonya: One person caring can change the entire trajectory of a child’s life. The more people know about the needs of local children, the more they want to help. The more people know about my closet, the more children and families I can help.

Most of my requests are for simple items like diapers, wipes, shoes, or new clothes. These are items that someone already has or knows someone who has them available. If not, they are reasonable in price and a donation can meet the need. Most people can spare $5 to help. When I find a great deal, I will ask for donations and people can see directly what their donations are going towards. Sometimes it’s baby blankets I found for $1, or around Christmas time, I found basketball goals on sale for $50. With the help of donations, I was able to purchase six.

Kym: What do you love most about serving?

Sonya: I love helping children in need. When you’re passionate about something, it doesn’t feel like service. I love knowing that these children are getting quality, new items that they need. I also love seeing people come together for a common goal of helping local children.

To volunteer: Join Closet of Love on Facebook. Needs and volunteer opportunities are posted throughout the year.

For Questions or to contribute financially:

Message on Facebook, or email Sonya Sheets at

DHR: Did you Know?

A total of 770 children from Alabama’s foster care system were adopted in FY 2022. They were among 3,628 children who exited DHR care during the year, having achieved their permanency goals.
(2022 Alabama Department of Human
Resources Annual Report)

Currently in Alabama, there are approximately 6,000 children in foster care. Some simply need foster care for a matter of days. Others may need foster care until they are reunited with their biological family or a plan is made for them to be adopted. (Alabama Department of Human Resources)

Who are the Children Needing Foster Care?

  • Children from all ethnic and economic groups.
  • Children with backgrounds or experiences that have placed them at risk.
  • Brothers and sisters who need to stay together.
  • Teens with various degrees of mental, physical or emotional problems.
  • Children of all ages who cannot currently live with their birth families due to the risk of neglect, physical or sexual abuse.
    (Alabama Department of Human Resources)

Kym Klass is a contributing writer and Communications Director of the Media Ministry at Frazer Church in Montgomery.

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Kym Klass
Kym Klass has lived in the River Region since 2007. She is the Director of Communications at Frazer Church. She is the author of "One More Day: a powerful true story of suicide, loss and a woman's newfound faith." She serves on the board of directors for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (Alabama), the Samaritan Counseling Center, and the Alabama Coalition Against Rape.

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