Do you remember a few weeks ago when we got up to about 80 degrees? The sun was out, and the sky was powder blue. I bought a Jeep this year and that was my first chance to take the doors and top off, so you better believe I took advantage of it!
Riding down the road with a bigger view, I could see the signs of spring. Buds were breaking on the tall trees overhead and showing a faint green glow across their branches. I love those new signs of life appearing in spring. I live out east where our planted trees are still young, so I love to take a ride through Dalraida and Forest Hills to see the azaleas and dogwoods blooming.
Signs of new life refresh our spirits because they remind us that no matter how low we find ourselves there’s hope before us and a better future available.
For example, a friend of mine recently shared he’s celebrating his 11th year of sobriety. What a great annual celebration that must be, as he remembers where he once was, and the new change of fulfillment today by something true and lasting.
Yes, life can get real ugly and lonely, but there’s always hope because of Christ and the new life He offers us all.
The Bible is full of stories of messy lives because the point of the biblical narrative is that WE ALL need a Savior and Jesus is He.
Another friend sent me a list of famous Bible characters and their flaws. Here are a few you may know:
Noah was a drunk, Jacob was a liar, Sampson was a womanizer, Rahab was a prostitute, David had an affair and was a murderer, Jonah ran from God, Peter denied Christ, the Disciples fell asleep while praying, the Samaritan woman was divorced, Paul was too religious, Lazarus was dead.
Go ahead and add your name and sins to the list, and I’ll add mine too.
It’s okay. Don’t despair because Jesus continually offers us a new life, atonement, and a secure redemption in Him. One that doesn’t just save us from punishment, but sets us on a new course of growth and peace as we walk in His good ways by His Spirit at work in us.
Look around you and take in this new season! It’s a celebration of life! Now look to Jesus and remember, or know for the first time, that He wants to make you new and whole again under His love and protection. His mercies are new every morning. Hope in Him!
Great way to look at life!