Today I picked our youngest up from her bus stop, and to celebrate the last day of school, we took off to Chipotle for lunch and then to get her favorite, a flavored tea from New Wave. We hugged and high-fived about her good grades. She was a bundle of energy as we dreamed of her new life as a rising 6th grader.
Many of my friends have been posting high school graduation pictures of their children. I remember how big of a night that was for us and our two older ones. Another milestone accomplished on this amazing journey we call life.
There are so many steps along the way, and often we get so focused on what’s happening right before us that we forget the bigger picture of why we’re doing the things we do. That is, until we reach a milestone and look up long enough to take it all in, and know it was worth the effort.
Summer isn’t just a time for our children to reflect. Many of us are in transition. Moving into town or leaving. New jobs or new houses. Special trips to new destinations. Summer is a good time to sit back and see if we’re paying attention to what’s really important in life.
Is it our family, jobs, education, or adventures? Those are all great, but above those things, is living in our position as children of God, if we’ve placed our faith in Jesus’ work of redemption. All the things we strive for daily will never reach their fullest potential apart from us living fully as God’s people according to His purposes. When we miss the bigger purpose, those things that follow will suffer.
School’s out! Now what? Don’t miss your purpose.