
The Essence of Jesus…
According to Jesus

There may be no better and more complete summary of who Jesus is and what he is like than his seven “I AM” statements from John’s gospel. These seven statements are an autobiography of sorts, as well as a blueprint for how he insists on relating to us – and us to him. I encourage […]

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With All This Uncertainty,
Is There Any Hope

With all of the uncertainty around us, I find myself drawn to the lyrics of a song from Andrew Peterson titled “Is He Worthy?” In it, he asks: Do you feel the world is broken? Do you feel the shadows deepen? Do you wish you could see it all made new? Each time the answer […]

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My View of Easter Has Changed

Written across the bottom of this Polaroid in my mother’s cursive reads “Easter 1978”. Clinched tightly in me and my brother’s hands, posing there in the front yard, are the glorious treasures of Easter morning. Marshmallow Peeps, Chocolate Bunnies, Cadbury Eggs, and what seemed like a never ending supply of jelly beans that filled the […]