Women Arising:
OMG! Just What We’re Looking For!
My friend has a hairdresser who believes in God and Jesus, but welcomes other religions who “also have their own worship of God.” She may fear she would be thought of as a bigot to exclude those who are religious but worship Buddha or Allah. She also may not understand the unique God of the […]
How to Spring Clean Yourself
My friend Moria takes a personal retreat each year. She finds a quiet place where she can spend a day or two alone, without electronic interference and a growing to-do list. Moria’s goal? To re-center herself around God’s plan and purpose. Most people feel swamped in this hurry-up world in which we live, especially if […]
Are You Fighting More
And Enjoying It Less?
Recipe for a heated argument:Take 1 group of people (a family).Mix it with close proximity (a house).Bake it in a 24/7 oven for unknown duration.Makes a batch full of contention. As we become relieved at the possibilities of what a vaccine can do in the upcoming months; as we look at the grim prospect of […]