David Steele
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July 4, 2021

The New Creation and the Storyline of Scripture by Frank Thielman is the most recent installment in Crossway’s Short Studies in Biblical Theology.

The goal of this series, according to the editors is “to magnify the Savior and build up his church – magnifying the Savior through showing how the whole Bible points to him and his gracious rescue of helpless sinners; and building up the church by strengthening believers in their grasp of these life-giving truths.”

Thielman’s work is the most general in nature in the Crossway series. It guides readers from a world under the curse of sin to the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21. The author does a commendable job in a short amount of space in showing God’s redemptive purposes in the plot line of Scripture. “Because God is so gracious,” writes Thielman, “he has not left his creatures to wallow in the mire of their own rebellion against him. He has undertaken costly and concrete steps to put the world right.”

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David Steele
Hi! I’m David Steele. I spend most of my time with my family and preparing to preach and teach God’s Word. In my spare time, I’m generally cranking out miles on my road bike, working out on the treadmill, or playing tennis or golf. I earned my BS and MA degrees from Multnomah University and Multnomah Biblical Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Bakke Graduate University in Seattle, Washington. I serve as senior pastor at Christ Fellowship in Everson, Washington and spend a fair amount of time reading the dead guys like Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, John Bunyan, Martin Luther, J.C. Ryle, Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Francis Schaeffer. I also enjoy reading current authors like John Piper, John Frame, Bruce Ware, Steven Lawson, and N.D. Wilson.

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