Dave Says August 22 1

Should I Buy a Hybrid to Deal with Gas Prices?

Do you think I should get a new hybrid car to save money on gas? A lot of my friends have done this, and with the rise in gas and oil prices lately, they’re telling me I should, too. According to them, I’ll save a ton of money, especially since I have a bigger car […]

Dave Says July 22 all mags scaled

These Debt Reduction Strategies
Are a Bad Idea

I’ve been seeing lots of ads lately for debt consolidation companies, debt settlement companies and the HELOC. Are any of these methods for reducing debt a good idea? No. These are all bad ideas when it comes to getting out of debt. There’s a lot of buzz these days surrounding all the “quick” and “easy” […]

dave says teen pay rent may22

I Wouldn’t Go That Far

Our son is in high school, and he has a part-time job. He makes good grades, and we have always tried to teach him how to save and handle money according to your advice. He has even managed to set aside a few thousand dollars for college. My wife and I were talking the other […]

dave ramsey april22

Date Night Can Be Inexpensive AND Fun!

We’re trying to get control of our finances by living on a budget. We also have about $18,000 in debt we are trying to pay off. My husband brings home $3,400 a month, and I am currently taking care of our eight-month-old baby. We would like to have a date night once a month, and […]

Dave Says March 22 all magazines 2

Where Should My Child Park His Money?

Our son is 13, and he has been doing some part-time work for a friend of the family. He makes $40 to $60 a week, and he would like to begin investing the majority of what he earns. Do you have a suggestion? Well, here’s the thing. At this point in his life, the goal […]

dave ramsey staying at home

Dave Ramsey Says…
Do The Numbers Work To Stay-At-Home?

I bring home about $2,800 a month, and our mortgage payment is $1,100. We have been forced to take money out of our savings account occasionally over the last year or so to help pay the bills. My wife loves being a stay-at-home mom with our two preschool kids, but even she is talking about […]

DAve Says Jan 22

Help Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick

Q. I thought I was going to get control of my money and make a lot of other positive changes in my life in 2021, but very few of the things I wanted to accomplish happened. I started strong, and began with serious intentions, but somewhere along the way I lost focus. Can you give […]

Dave Says Dec 21 2

How Can I Stop Being Strapped for Money?

I have a good job and make pretty good money, but I’m tired of always worrying about my finances and being strapped for cash at the end of the month. I’ve heard you talk about getting out of debt and living on a zero-based budget, but what exactly is a zero-based budget? The concept of […]

Dave Says inflation 2

Can I Protect Myself Against Inflation?

Q. All the talk on the news about inflation is a little scary. Is there any way to protect yourself against it on a day-to-day basis? A. When people start talking about inflation, it seems like there are always some who want to start collecting gold, fill every container they own with gasoline and stick […]

Dave Says Teaching Kids Work

Dave Ramsey Shares…
Teaching Children the Value of Work

What are your views on teaching children good work habits? Many of our friends don’t require their kids to help out or work around the house, but we both strongly feel that instilling a strong work ethic early in life is one of the best things you can do as a parent for your children. […]