
YoungLife: Deepening Relationships
with God

As a former Young Life student, Kenyatte Hassell can attest to the profound impact the organization had on his spiritual development – providing him with a supportive community, caring mentors, and opportunities for growth that helped him become a better person. It is an organization he has been involved in for over 30 years – […]

RRC Intersection April

Staying Posted

A high school student in Whitley County, Kentucky, was aware of mental health struggles that her classmates experienced, and a Faithwire article reported that she decided to do something about it. The article relates: “Our school, along with the middle school, has struggled with suicide,” Sophy Jones told WKYT-TV, referring to her school, Whitley County […]

RRC Perspective April

Wins the Prize in Stepfamilies

In the early years of our marriage, I wondered if we would make it to our next anniversary.Blending four children, grappling with our stepparent roles while learning to parent together, combating ex-spouses, and trying to stay afloat with job, church and community obligations seemed impossible. As we celebrated 21 years of marriage recently, I’m thankful […]