Vacation Bible School
2022 Guide
VBS is a long-standing children’s ministry tradition in the River Region. Thankfully we have many great churches that do so much to bless your children with the love of Jesus through interactive and fun vacation bible schools. Use our guide below, beginning with our partner churches, to find a church your family can connect with. […]
Children’s Hope
Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Soon after they knew adoption would be their calling, they brought Hope home from the Eastern European country of Moldova. It was a process that Andy said allowed the Lord to show them that not only do they have a heart for orphans, but also for the enormous need of adoption overall. The Birchfields have […]
Damaged Humans and the Kindness of Jesus
I love how Jesus related to damaged, condemned people. Don’t you? This is what happens in a group of people who have sound theology but are lacking in love. A Colosseum culture develops. Everyone rallies around a common enemy—the sinner. Robbers, evildoers, tax collectors, adulterers and adulteresses. And then the pouncing and the piling on. […]
Two Steps Forward… One Step Back
Are You Making Any Progress at All?
The world is a competitive place. To “make the grade” whether in school or the workplace, we find we have to do it better, quicker, and wiser than the next person. It used to be called “ambition,” and was one of the most important issues when a prospective bride’s parents interviewed any young man who […]
Faith @ Work:
Soo Seok Yang– Attorney, Beasley Allen Law Firm
You and your wife’s parents served as missionaries in Taiwan. How was Christianity rooted in your upbringing? SSY: It started from my mother, who lost her husband (my dad) in her early 30’s. When my dad passed away, I was six and my brother was four. Mom did not know Jesus before getting married because […]
The Right Ideology?
The Freedom Convoy in Canada came to an unceremonious end a few months ago, as the Canadian government cracked down on protesters physically in the capital city of Ottawa. The new police chief there had promised that participants in the protest against government over-reach, including COVID vaccine mandates, would continue to face retaliation. So would […]
The Positive Effects of Serving Others
The Bible provides countless examples that can help us recognize the importance of serving others. Proverbs14:21 helps us understand that “blessed is he who is generous to the poor.” Proverbs 31:8 teaches us to, “open our mouth for the mute and destitute” and “defend the rights of the poor and needy.” John 15:12 tells us […]
Who Impacted Your Life As A Child?
Can you think of one person in particular who impacted your life as a child?I was a youth minister for 11 years and there were hundreds of kids that came through the church doors each week. As a minister on church staff, I know a lot of those teens appreciated the role I played in […]
Compassion, Outreach Needed
for Those with Mental Health Struggles
If you’re reading this, and you’re hurting, you need to know you’re not alone. That there is a God who loves you more than any pain you feel. Even when you feel that empty, that isolated. That numb. When all you can do is stare blindly at a wall. At a muted television. Or swiping […]
Unanswered Prayer?
This month’s Pastor’s Perspective is delivered by Dr. Chris Montgomery, Frazer Memorial UMC. When it comes to the topic of unanswered prayer, the first thing we have to ask ourselves is, is there such a thing as unanswered prayer? While there may be a gap between the moment we pray a prayer and the moment we […]