CHRISTMAS: The Fairytale That Must Be True
Have you ever stopped, just for a second, and considered the far-fetched claims of Christianity at Christmas time? During this particular holiday, Christians all over the world—millions and millions of them—pause to contemplate a first-century middle eastern infant, mothered by a teenage girl who had never been with a man, born dirt poor and from […]
Faith @ Work: Jan Woods
You were born in Millbrook, then moved to Ohio as a child and lived there for 60 years. What brought you back to Alabama? JW: My family moved to Ohio when I was four years old. I did not want to move away from my grandparents. My family visited during the holidays, and my sister […]
Christmas Church Events in the River Region
Montgomery Aldersgate UMC6610 Vaughn Road, (334) 272.6152www.aldersgateumc.orgDecember 11 at 10:30 a.m.Christmas Carol ServiceSanctuary and online at Aldersgateumc.orgChristmas Eve Carols, Communionand CandlelightSaturday, December 24 Christchurch 8800 Vaughn Road,(334) 387.0566, ext. 203.www.christchurchxp.netCandlelit Service of Lessons and CarolsDecember 1Christmas Eve PageantDecember 24 at 4 p.m.Christmas Eve Candlelight ServiceDecember 24 at 8 p.m. Christmas at Eastern Hills Baptist3604 Pleasant […]