David Steele
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June 2, 2021

The Wisdom Pyramid by Brett McCracken

The rise of social media and the internet is slowly chipping away at the evangelical mind.

A subtle erosion has set in and rendered people incapable of thinking Christianly. In the end, this tragic turn of events has led many to jettison the path of wisdom.

Brett McCracken address this epistemological shift in his book, The Wisdom Pyramid. The author passionately argues that

“We need a better diet of knowledge and better habits of information intake.”

The ultimate aim of the book is to present a strategy for developing wisdom.

Part one examines the sources of our sickness.

Nothing is surprising here but the accumulated evidence that is presented is overwhelming.

A nod of approval is given to Neil Postman’s classic work, Amusing Ourselves to Death. While originally penned in 1985, Postman’s thesis is proven to be accurate is most people in the west are drowning in a sea of information and have nothing to show for it.

Part two examines various sources of truth that lead to a life of wisdom.

“Our sources of intake are vitally important,” writes the author. He continues, “They can make us healthy, or they can make us sick. Bad intake can make us unwise. Good intake – from trustworthy sources of truth – can make us wise, inoculating us against viruses of deception and error.”

Six sources are presented that offer sources of wisdom – Scripture, the church, nature, books, beauty, and the internet.

Scripture is placed at the bottom of the pyramid and utilizes the well-known “Food Pyramid,” which was first introduced by the US Department of Agriculture in 1992. In this model, Scripture must be the basis of one’s diet in order for healthy growth to occur. But the other areas are not minimized. Rather, they are placed in their proper order.

The Wisdom Pyramid is a helpful book are is sure to help many people, especially young people who are trapped in the quagmire of digital/social media. It is a solid antidote for Christians who seek wisdom in a culture of quick answers and digital “fast food.” McCracken draws deep into the wells of Christian theology and invites readers, in the end, to taste and see that the Lord is good.

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David Steele
Hi! I’m David Steele. I spend most of my time with my family and preparing to preach and teach God’s Word. In my spare time, I’m generally cranking out miles on my road bike, working out on the treadmill, or playing tennis or golf. I earned my BS and MA degrees from Multnomah University and Multnomah Biblical Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry from Bakke Graduate University in Seattle, Washington. I serve as senior pastor at Christ Fellowship in Everson, Washington and spend a fair amount of time reading the dead guys like Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, John Bunyan, Martin Luther, J.C. Ryle, Charles Spurgeon, Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Francis Schaeffer. I also enjoy reading current authors like John Piper, John Frame, Bruce Ware, Steven Lawson, and N.D. Wilson.

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